Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Day At The Beach!

I'm starting to like this beach thing. Who knew summer was so much fun!?!?

Hey guys! Over here! I'm ready to body-surf!

What to do...what to do.


Just a little water in my eyes guys, I'm okay.

Hee hee. Time to splash Mama.

Check out my chest hair! What, oh, that's just sand.

Let's pack him in nice and tight. That Clayton's not going anywhere.

Is that a sea-turtle? A beached whale? No, no, it's just Emerson The Shark!

What?!? It's time to go already? Can we come back tomorrow?!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Foley Fun Days and Random Fun Days

Look at that smile! That's why it's called the Fun Slide...unless of course you're that girl.

Round and round and round and round...Emerson says.

The only thing that could be as fun as carnival rides and carnival food is, no question, an alien blow-up hammer.