Saturday, December 27, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! See you in 2009!

Boy, I loooove wearing Christmas sweaters...

Yay! Now I'm a little more comfortable!

I like hanging out with Aunt Jen, especially during the holidays...

The joys of X-mas!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Sit-up or Dance!

Older video of when Emerson started sitting up...

Newer video of Emerson breakin' it down!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Good Ol' Tummy Time

Be afraid! Be very afraid!

Up close and personal...

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Party Time!

When Mom is away, we party it up.

Bath Time!

It seems like every other day is bath time for The Big E. It's amazing how he already is a dirt collector. Just wait until he can crawl and walk. Yikes.


Is that a bite-sized Baby Ruth?!?

Put To Good Use!

We didn't want to miss the annual meat raffle extravaganza in Gilman, so Grandma and Grandpa Corrigan babysat Emerson Friday night. G&G Corrigan, haven't you ever heard of baby labor laws?!? Just kidding, thanks for babysitting...again!

What have I gotten myself into!?!

What good is this toy if it doesn't rattle or light up?!?

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Happy Holidays!

With Thanksgiving over Emerson is already counting the days until Christmas...

Prunes disguised as Christmas candies! Mmmmmmmm!

Where are the presents!??!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Monday, November 17, 2008


Peek-a-boo = shrieking approval.

Emerson Doing What He Does Best!

Being naked and pretending to crawl while shrieking with joy! If you scroll up and down real fast, it kind of looks like he's place! Soon enough...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Lazy Sunday...

Wow. I need to learn how to pace myself. I'm not as young as I used to be...

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Saturday Photo Gallery!

Emerson loves Mom's jokes...

Restin' my bones...

Cute? Who me?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

E Voted

I did my civic duty...did you?

"For fuel efficient flying cars, lower rates on interplanetary travel,
and holographic for Emerson Hare for President in 2056!"*

*I'm Emerson K. Hare, and I approved this blogging."

Monday, November 3, 2008

Michael Phelps - Olympic Champion

Hi everyone. Michael Phelps here. Winning eight gold medals and flexing my muscles all the time takes a toll on me. Rumor has it that I consume close to 12,000 calories a day to keep up. Well, the rumors are true. I consume them in the forms of baby formula, stage 1 baby food and baby cereal. Happy Halloween!

I have 8 gold medals...what do you have? Bring it!

I'm Michael Phelps. I'm sure you've heard of me. And you are...? Pay no attention to the diaper beneath my swim tights.

#1 Baby! See you in London in 2012!

Friday, October 31, 2008

I Wanna Rock!

Rock and roll all night! Party everyday! Happy Halloween everyone. Check back later for my real Halloween costume.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Guess Who's Ticklish?

That tummy sure is a sweet spot for giggles.

Ramblin' Man...

Not only does Emerson love "real" food, he also loves to talk about it.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Out Like A Light

A surefire way to get Emerson to fall asleep.

He really enjoys The Aphex Twin. Imagine that?

The Puppy Is Funny

Emerson recently discovered how "funny" Picasso is.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM! (October 11th)

Happy Birthday Mom! Thanks for bringing me into this world!

Look at me, all stripped down to my diap-e 'cause I'm par-t-in'!
H. B. Mom!

Too much formula...

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Emerson only falls asleep peacefully on his side now. It must make him more comfortable shifting that immense belly weight off to his side...

This picture was taken at 2 am. He rotated over 90 degrees...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Cereal Feeding and the Return of Mr. Giggles

It's about time I get some of the good stuff! Mmmm mmm good!

Man, that Mom might be even funnier than Dad...

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Thanks Picasso!


Thanks for catching my drool! I appreciate it.*

Emerson K. Hare

*Disclaimer: Mom was not around during the taping of this video.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Adventures of Mr. Giggles!

Part I

Don't let the Flying Finger get you Mr. Giggles!

Part II

Emerson can roll from his back to his stomach, then his stomach to his back in less than a minute now...yikes.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Don't Forget About Picasso!

Hey everyone. I just wanted to devote a few minutes to my main puppy dog, Picasso. Seems like a lot of attention has been focused on me lately (well deserved, by the way) and I wanted Picasso to get in on the action.

Picasso's new pet! Too bad he only lasted 15 minutes. Let's just say Picasso isn't always gentle.

"Peek-a-boo!" Says Picasso.

"How about now? Are you ready to play now?"

Just don't forget about me!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Booty Scootin' Soon?

Hey everybody - I'm back. I've been a little frustrated because I haven't learned how to crawl yet. However, I've really been working my muscles and when I'm finally able to crawl, you had better watch out! Picasso's tail will be in jeopardy...

Picasso, where are you?

Since my tummy is so big, it's easy for me to keep my head up...

Friday, September 12, 2008

What the?!?!?

So I wake up from my nap tonight and who do I see? Madeline. C'mon! Nobody told me that I had a date tonight! I didn't even get to comb my hair or put on my gorilla outfit (which the ladies love, I might add.) Thanks a lot Mom and Dad! Oh well, I'll make the best of it. At least she brought an Elmo DVD...

What the?!?!?

Where in the heck did she come from?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

It's Fun To Stand In!

Don't be jealous baby friends! It's my threemonthiversary gift! It may say 4+ months on the box but if you add some pillows and blankets, it's modified 3+ month superfun! (P.S. Watch out for my backslap!)

Overstimulation station!

Whatever you do, don't even think about pressing the red button...

Ah, three months old. How much longer until I can drive?

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sorry Jesus!

Well, today was my big day. Baptism. A lot of stress for such a little guy! Speaking of stress, I got all caught up in it waiting for my big moment and Mom had to make an emergency diaper change before I was dipped into the holy water. Sorry Jesus! I'm glad the show was still able to go on. After I was scrubbed clean, Mom and Dad undressed me and then Dad dipped me into some really warm water and I was baptized. Can you believe it? Too baths in less than two hours. Wow, talk about well groomed! Afterwords, we went over to Grandma and Grandpa Corrigan's house for presents, sandwiches and good times. Thanks for coming everyone! I had a great time, and I know Mom and Dad did as well.

Surprise! Thanks for all the gifts everyone!

Carson and Cohan Hare caught a frog and named him Little Little Little Little Froggy.

Again, sorry about the Jesus! How could you not forgive a blessed little guy like me?

After a bunch of Little Dippers, it was finally the Big Dipper's turn!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Thanks A Lot Dad!

Mom got home from shopping today and told me that I had my onesie on backwards. Don't you think I would have switched it around if I was able to dress myself? Thanks for embarrassing me dad. I think I'll be happier just being in the nudes from now on...

Are you serious dad?

I mean....really?

C'mon, you're killing me here...don't you see the tag?

Finally...peace at last!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I Need My Beauty Sleep...

Well, I'm finally sleeping consistently 6 to 8 hours during the night. Must be because I've passed the 15 pound threshold. Today was also my first full day of daycare. Man, now I have to entertain new people all day long beginning next week. I'm going to be even more tired than normal. Please only wake me up to eat.

Thanks Mom and Dad.

Wow, this is comfortable...


Like mother, like son! (Turn up the volume on this one)