Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Here I Am!

Well, it's been awhile since I've posted a long blog so I'll give you guys the latest scoop. Lately, I love to ride in carts, and eat Mac 'N Cheese at Noodles & Company. I just realized that rolling trucks back and forth is funny. It's like they were meant for that. I also have been lifting myself onto things so my crib was lowered to the bottom rung. Geez, can't I guy have fun anymore? I guess I'll have to wait at least a few more months to be a daredevil.

Until next time,

Climbing is fun, especially on that big Daddy guy.

I spy Picasso, do you?

Mmmm. I think I like "real" food!

Oops. I shouldn't have tossed my ducky at the window...

Have a good night everyone!


The Hanson Hat Trick said...

Picasso and Zoey have a lot in common. I'm dreading bring her to the vet in a few months and hearing how much weight she has gained. I have a feeling she'll be on a serious diet, but A will still find ways to share!

BC said...

Well Emerson

How's the ducky doing? Did he survive the window toss?

Grandpa C

LJFEIER said...

Mac & Cheese at Noodles is the BEST KID FOOD ever! That, and their chocolate milk and a rice krispie bar. Healthy, huh?