Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Bumpa Story

I picked up Emerson today from "school" and on the way home he saw a highway helper on the side of the road with his lights on.

E - "What's on that truck Daddy?"

D - "Those are lights so cars will see the truck when it's pulled over on the side of the road."

E - "Why Daddy?"

D - "The truck doesn't want any cars crashing into him when he's pulled over."

E - "Why Daddy?"

D - "Because then the cars will get in an accident and they won't work anymore."

E - "Bumpa will fix them."

D - "But Bumpa can't fix them all."

E - "Why Daddy?"

D - "Because he goes to work and he can't go around fixing all the cars."

E - "Oh."


Ms. Feierabend said...

He is such a BIG BOY! I love the conversations.

BC said...

Thanks for the story -- We will have a lot of fixing to do when E gets his first car, plus all the vehicles getting to that point. How about a tree house this summer?
