Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Party In 1N-B and Senior Picture Poses!

Hello adults...and baby friends! Mom packed me out for a big outing this past Tuesday to visit Dad at work. His co-workers threw a shower in my honor. Wow, it was fun! I got some really cool clothes, toys, a very nice blanket, and a gift certificate to my favorite store! Thanks again everyone, we appreciated it.

Dad works with these people...

...and these ones too.

Thanks for making me a Pooh blanket Shannon!

Judy says zip it!

Wow that Dad is embarrassing. Hide me!

Future UHCer?

Senior Picture Pose #1

Senior Picture Pose #2

Until next time, TTYL!


BC said...

I choose senior picture no. 2. Could grams have 300 copies of this picture please to send to some of my closest friends? Where has that infant baby gone? You'll be starting medical school soon I suppose, or U.H.C.
Thanks Mom and Dad for all these fun entries. I,m obsessed with checking them out. Almost as good as being there.
Night buddie!
Grams c.

Krista said...

Emerson, you are getting so big!!! It seems like yesterday you were a baby and now you're getting seniour pictures!

Come over a play soon!

-Krista and Matthew